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    Karl Vondal

    1953 to 2024

    Karl Vondal lived at the House of Artists in Gugging since 2002. He usually combined his erotic drawings of people in pastel colours with sexually charged texts.

    He combined small works on paper by gluing them on top of each other, making his pieces so large that he could barely carry them and usually had to roll them up first. He liked strolling around Gugging with his latest work under his arm and was quite talkative, especially with women. Unfortunately, his articulation style often made him difficult to understand. Just like Arnold Schmidt, Karl Vondal also created his own workspace in the atelier gugging on his own initiative. His works can be found, for example, in The Museum of Everything, in the Treger Saint Silvestre Collection, Portugal, and in the Collection of Helmut Zambo, Germany/Austria.


    Selected works



    © Hannah Rieger
    All Rights Reserved

    All Photos (rooms and artworks): Maurizio Maier
    Concept & Layout: VISUAL°S