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    Barbara Demlczuk

    *1945, date of death unknown, Austria

    Barbara Demlczuk’s stay at the Lower Austrian State Hospital for Psychiatry and Neurology in Klosterneuburg, i.e. in the psychiatric clinic in Gugging, in the 1970s is the only verifiable fact from her life.

    The psychiatrist Leo Navratil showed her drawings as part of a group exhibition “Psychopathological Pictures” ('Psychopathologische Bilder') at Galerie Seebacher in Nüziders near Bludenz in Vorarlberg from 31 January to 24 March 1973. Her works are represented, for example, in the Treger Collection and Saint Silvestre, Portugal.


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    © Hannah Rieger
    All Rights Reserved

    All Photos (rooms and artworks): Maurizio Maier
    Concept & Layout: VISUAL°S